Investing in our Forests Book


Client: Forestry Innovation Investment (FII)
Creative Direction: Tugboat Group

Art Direction: Chris Young
Design: Chris Young
Production: Chris Young

Work completed while employed at Tugboat Group.

Forestry Innovation Investment is a provincial agency that promotes British Columbia’s forest practices and products around the world.

FII is a provincial crown corporation set up by the British Columbia government in 2003 to support an environmentally sustainable and prosperous forest economy in British Columbia.

Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) was pleased with the Wood Fibre Opportunities booklet I had previously designed and had us develop their next major project – a 60-page book highlighting investment in British Columbia forestry to an international audience. The book uses the first project as a starting point for design, keeping in mind the more text-heavy informative content of the book.

The book was designed in English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. In a tight time frame, I designed, laid out, and typeset all but the Chinese books in-house. Translation teams proofed the final book layouts to ensure accuracy before printing the documents in Asia.

Table of Contents spread.

Section intro spread of the Chinese version of the book.

Chinese section intro spread.

Detail of one of the Chinese books.

Section intro spread.

Labour Force section intro spread.


See also the FII Wood Fibre Opportunities booklet.

All work copyright Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) and their respective owners.









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