In my last post, our honeymoon in Nicaragua, I mentioned that I wanted to put together a post just about the colours of Nicaragua. Everywhere that we went in Nica, no matter how nice or how poor the neighbourhood, the buildings were beautifully painted bright colours, often with crazy colour combinations. I was kidding that when it comes time to paint the house, the husband goes out and grabs his choice for a colour, then the wife goes out and gets her choice without ever speaking to one another. Then they bust out the brushes and go for it. It looks like that’s what happens here for about 30% of the houses. Bright green and pink? Bright orange and red? Teal and yellow? Maybe mint and yellow? Hey, why not– it won’t look any crazier than the building next door.

When I first thought about putting this photo gallery together, I was going to concentrate on just the doorways that I shot. I’ve always loved sets of photographed doorways, but taking a better look at all the photos I shot that there were many other colourful things I wanted to share. It wasn’t just the houses that were so colourful, the churches were brightly painted, and even an old cemetery high up in the mountains is beautiful.

Even the pool at the place we were staying in was beautifully painted and incredibly inviting. Not that I would pass up getting in a pool no matter what it looked like in that Nicaraguan heat.

PHOTO GALLERY | Enjoy this gallery of beautifully (for the most part) painted buildings and doorways. There are lots of crazy colour combinations to think about for future design jobs. This gallery has all the images from the above article, and plenty more; scroll through them with your ‘right arrow’ key.